Tuesday, January 15, 2019

4th Quarter Research Project/Final Exam

Media Studies Final Exam/4th Qtr Research Project
Choose one of the following media industries to research and write a 5 page, MLA formatted research paper, and prepare a Power Point or Prezi to present to your class. 
A study of specific studios or production companies, including patterns of production, distribution, exhibition and consumption by audiences. This should be accompanied by study of contemporary film distribution practices (digital cinemas, DVD, 3D, downloads, etc.) and their impact upon production, marketing and consumption.

A study of particular record labels within the contemporary music industry, including patterns of production, distribution, marketing and consumption by audiences. This should be accompanied by study of wider issues around digital distribution of music.(streaming, digital downloads, piracy, etc.)

A study of contemporary newspaper and/or magazine publishing, including the ways in which the web is
raising issues for the production, distribution and consumption of print media.

A study of examples from the contemporary radio industry, examining production, distribution and broadcast practices, as well as audience consumption. This should be accompanied by study of the impact of Digital Audio Broadcasting and internet broadcasting on radio production practices, marketing and audience consumption.

Video games
A study of the production, distribution and marketing of a specific game within one or across various gaming platforms, along with its reception by a variety of audiences. This should be accompanied by study of the impact of next generation capabilities on the production, distribution, marketing and consumption of games.

You should research(try to find 3 well sourced examples for each) the processes of production, distribution and marketing as they relate to contemporary media institutions, as well as the nature of audience consumption and the
relationships between audiences and institutions and-
• the issues raised by media ownership and funding in contemporary media practice
• the importance of cross-media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing
• the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution,
  marketing and at the point of consumption
• the significance of the spread of such technologies for institutions and audiences
• the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences
• the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences by international or global institutions
• the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and
  trends in audience behaviour.

April 18-Topic Decision 
April 26- Working Bibliography(12-15 sources)
May 3-Annotated Articles
May 10- Printed Outline Due Presentations Begin. Candidates volunteering to present first will receive 10 bonus points on 5/10, 7 bonus points on 5/13, 5 bonus points on 5/14. Presentations will continue until all candidates have presented. Once Presentations have completed, we will practice Extract Analysis with various sample extracts. Seniors are welcome to join us. 
Final Draft of research paper is due the day of your class’ final exam period. 
50% of Final Exam
May 24-Media Studies Exam AM Session, 7:30 Auditorium
              50 % of FINAL EXAM IS TO SHOW UP!


1 comment:

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