Monday, November 16, 2015

Scene Analysis Planning Frames

Question 1 on your AICE Media Studies Exam-Discuss how the extract creates meaning using the following
-Camera Shots, Angles, Movement, and Composition

The essays can be structured either by category or by chronological order of the scene
Film Analysis Planning Frames
By Category
II-Camera shots

Chronological Order

After watching and taking notes on the opening scene of the HBO Mini-series Band of Brothers,
the classes produced sample outlines by category

Sample Outlines-By Category
FTS-The extract displays the stress and anxiety felt by soldiers about to enter combat.
II-Several close-ups of soldiers faces
a-Pan from chest to face smoking cigarette
b-wide shots provide context of the expansive operation. Showed planes, # of soldiers, heavy artillery.
c-two shots of conversation. Showed concern and comradery.
a-Cross cutting shows the different areas and activities around the airfield. Praying,haircut, sitting thinking,
b-short takes in beginning, longer takes after postponement. Short takes emphasize hectic activity on air field, long takes accentuate waiting, cut in-fade out
a-sound bridge including incidental music and ambient diegetic sound set tone-ends at announcement, picked back up as Winters exits tent.
b-dialogue-serious conversation. Jokes w/ no reaction. “We’ll go to Chicago” – “We’ll see.”
Praying voices were distinguishable others weren’t
V-Mise-en scene
a-Low/Dim Lighting accentuated early morning at first then a transition to night time towards the end
b-Uniforms and face paint lend to authenticity. Soldiers in front row of movie.
c-On location. Filming on an actual airfield creates realism.

FTS-The extract showed the nervousness and stress of the soldiers as they were about to go to war.
a-several close ups of soldiers faces. Their uneasy facial expressions showed their anxiety.
b-wide shot through barbed wire-shows they are in a dangerous area/no place to go.
c-two shot of conversation, shows further shows concern, and also comradery between men.
a-short takes in the beginning enhanced the hectic activity on the airfield.
b-long takes after the postponement accentuate slower pace of the scene.
c-cut in from black at beginning goes with hectic activity, fade to black at end goes with slower pace.
a-sound bridge of activity on the airfield Puts the audience directly in to the action.
b- incidental music at beginning, patriotic in tone enhances airfield preparations. Stops at postponement, picks up again at conversation. Loud at first and then lessens as conversation picks up.
Conversation was serious.
Showed concern for their lives, and comradery. “We’ll see.”
a-On location, seems authentic. Actual airfield
b-Costume- uniform and face paint-Make up
c-color design-dull colors enhanced the mood

FTS-The extract displayed the stress and anxiety of soldiers about to go to war.
II-Camera shots
a-opening two shot of soldiers tilts up to wide shot establishing the scene.
b-close ups of soldiers faces show uneasiness.
c-track shot in movie tent. Shows soldiers aren’t paying attention to movie, concerned about jump
a-short takes at beginning enhanced hectic activity
b-cut in from black at beginning, fade to black at the end. Matched to pace of the scene
c-long takes after announcement, accentuated waiting
a-sound bridge of commotion on the airfield,
drops viewer in to action.
b-incidental music comes in at beginning, solemn tone, cut out at movie, picks up again at conversation, tone similar, slower tempo.
c-Dialogue-shows concern and comradery. Chicago “We’ll see.”
a-Shot on location, makes the scene realistic on actual airfield
b-uniforms and props are authentic
c-lighting and color design are dull and neutral-fits in with serious nature of the scene.

FTS-The extract displayed the stress and anxiety the soldiers felt as they were about to go to war.
II-Camera shots etc
a-close ups of soldiers faces show nervousness.
b-insert shot of cross showed soldier praying.
c-wide shot through barb wire shows background and that they are in a dangerous area.
a-continuity system, moved from beginning to end. Allows the viewer to follow along.
b-short takes at beginning of the scene accentuate the hectic activity on the airfield.
c-long takes after the postponement enhance the waiting the soldiers are experiencing.
a-sound bridge at beginning, incidental music and the commotion on the airfield, drops viewer right in to the action.
b-incidental music has a fearful and apprehensive tone at the beginning, which reflects that of the soldiers. Stops @ movie, picks up again at conversation, softer and slower.
conversation serious and somber, solemn. Chicago-“We’ll see.” Shows concern and comradery.
a-Shot on location, creates realism on actual airfield.
b-uniforms and props were authentic.
c-make up- dirty faces/face paint.
d-color design-soft/dull colors-enhance somber mood

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